Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Here is a progress shot of the oil painting I'm working on! It has surpassed the, "hm. I'm not really sure where this is going but I'm just going to keep working on it" phase, and is now in the "starting to come together" phase.

In other news, I'm completely obsessed with Instagram. Yes, I bought the new iPhone 5 about a month ago, and its crazy how much it affects the everyday nuances of my life. About Instagram though, I love how you can follow your friends, or creatives, and its all completely visual. I am also a sucker for 'vintage looking' things and the photo effects are reminiscent of 60's and 70's film photography. Ok, I know I'm late on the Smart-phone train but heres my insta-grammed photo :) When the painting is finished I'll show it minus the affects.

Monday, October 29, 2012

As part of the Avenue for the Arts, the Free Radical Galleries are open all week long on Division Avenue. You can see my work at Vertigo (the record store), called "The Feminine Taboo" dealing with the language of societal expectations of women.

I wanted to post about other work that I viewed at the 601 Gallery. Most of the works there were objects and artifacts originally intended for Found Magazine. For one, I am a big fan of the written word- traditionally. I'm talking pen and lined paper. I have a pen pal that we've been writing letters back and forth for probably 3 years now. I'm also a hopeless romantic and have been thinking recently of how I can weave these things into my own work.

As I post these three letters I'm reminded of how they all struck a certain chord with me the moment I read them. It reminded me of a time when love was really innocent, it reminded me of my first loves and how love and relationships morph and change with each new phase of your life. It reminded me of young love. And then there is the letter about a marriage proposal. The way it's written is so simplistic and honest and relevant to this time. How the dynamics of family and marriage and dating have changed and still are changing- very rapidly- is something I think about all the time. It astounds and scares me and is exciting to me all at the same time. It really made me think, and maybe it will do the same for you.

Friday, August 31, 2012

This is a picture of me holding up an idea for next painting project, its oil on illustration board. Yes it's abstract. Yes it's totally different than anything I've done in awhile. And this took me 4 hours to complete, if you must know. I took a little advice from an experienced graphic designer who told me 'Always log your hours!'. This sounds like the most mundane, tedious, boring thing to do. However, I've learned the importance of tedious mundane things thanks to a (rather boring-but learned a lot from) desk job I had for a brief moment in time.

Sometimes, you have to crunch numbers to access certain valuable information. Ok, enough about crunching numbers, I'm kind of feeling like a geek on a Friday night blogging about time tracking and new studio spaces. Peace out!

Oh, PS- I'm also at my new studio in this picture!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Finishing touches for the San Chez Bistro ads.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Based on my recent posts, its clear that I've been working on some promotional materials for San Chez Bistro. This restaurant has been around for 20 years now (ancient in restaurant years!) I'm honored to have the opportunity to be responsible for the 'look' of their upcoming advertisements and promos for their 20th anniversary. The project is still in progress, but see above for the recent developments.

This is a vector-based image that was once hand drawn. This is the first vector illustration I've worked on in a looooong time. I've always favored Photoshop over Illustrator because it won't ever lose the hand-drawn look that I love so much. However, I've really been yearning to branch outside of my 'line drawing-ink on paper-color in photoshop' process. I become really antsy when things start to feel routine or monotonous. This project will give me a good way out of that.

In other news I've been studio shopping around. Currently my dining room is my studio. There are two kinds of artists in this world, those who enjoy working at home, and those who do not. For me, it is definitely a struggle to find that space, at home, where I can let the messes and distractions of everyday life fade away far enough for me to produce some solid work. But I've had to force myself recently. I'm really looking forward to what other people, projects, and quality of work that can unfold from studio life. Stay tuned for that update, and more illustrator projects :)

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Here is the finished poster for the "A lot of Art" event coming up in September. For this, I integrated the Avenue for the Arts logo directly into the design- the logo being the very top part of the sandwich. For those of you who aren't familiar with Avenue for the Arts, it is a non-profit organization here in Grand Rapids that promotes arts and culture in the West Michigan area. I'm really excited to be a part of this association. The event itself is an excellent opportunity for artists and musicians to showcase what they've got to our community. Looking forward to seeing some great art and great people!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Here is the black and white ink/pencil drawing for my next commission. Now, I get to separate the linework and have lots of fun in photoshop!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Sketching stages for my next commission. The final drawing is inked and more progress photos to be posted soon!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

This is the finished tattoo for Katie. Ink on paper.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Ink on watercolor, coloring in photoshop.

Monday, April 9, 2012

done. :)

Friday, April 6, 2012

Cat's Cradle

And this is what painting dandelions in photoshop looks like.

Monday, March 26, 2012

This is the final inked drawing for my current photoshop project. Color is almost done and completed illustration will be posted soon!
This is the final sketch of a tattoo design for a dear friend. Dragon fly with Cherry blossoms. please contact me via email for commissioned tattoo designs: meggyjune@gmail.com.