This is a vector-based image that was once hand drawn. This is the first vector illustration I've worked on in a looooong time. I've always favored Photoshop over Illustrator because it won't ever lose the hand-drawn look that I love so much. However, I've really been yearning to branch outside of my 'line drawing-ink on paper-color in photoshop' process. I become really antsy when things start to feel routine or monotonous. This project will give me a good way out of that.
In other news I've been studio shopping around. Currently my dining room is my studio. There are two kinds of artists in this world, those who enjoy working at home, and those who do not. For me, it is definitely a struggle to find that space, at home, where I can let the messes and distractions of everyday life fade away far enough for me to produce some solid work. But I've had to force myself recently. I'm really looking forward to what other people, projects, and quality of work that can unfold from studio life. Stay tuned for that update, and more illustrator projects :)
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